At Gardena-Torrance Baptist Church, we want to welcome you and hope that you will worship, study God's word, and fellowship with us often! And, if you do not have a church home, we would be honored to have you consider becoming a part of our GTBC family.
8:00am Youth Sunday School via Zoom*
9:30am Women's Sunday School via Zoom*
11:15 am Worship Service
Join us in-person or view our worship service LIVE on Facebook and YouTube. Past sermons are also available. Click the FACEBOOK button below or type @GTBaptistChurch in the Facebook Search.
This is a link to our YouTube channel:
* The Zoom meeting ID is 880 952 6942.
(L to R) Robbie (Guitar & Keyboard), Angie, Amelia, Deborah & Joshua (Drums).
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, ...and to the ends of the earth"
The Gardena-Torrance Baptist Church is a Christ centered church and we are missions driven inspired by Acts 1:8. In other words, we will serve here in Gardena, the State of California, the United States of America, and the entire world. We will go where we feel God is leading us.