Senior Pastor
A Letter of Welcome from the Pastor
I am thrilled that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to visit our Gardena-Torrance Baptist Church. We feel that the church should be a real place, in the community where people can find refuge, a place that is warm and relevant to the lives of real people in normal everyday situations. As the present pastor of GTBC, I would like to introduce myself as a Community Pastor with a Community Church. I am excited about God giving me the opportunity to be a part of your community. In this post, covd19 environment churches have changed, we are glad to share with you our new online presence on FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE our weekly ZOOM access, and our RIGHTNOW MEDIA online resources will continue to help you with Christian growth.
So many people are searching for answers to some of life's most challenging questions. It is our desire to assist you to discover the incredible and unconditional love of Jesus Christ.
Gardena-Torrance is made up of people just like you, and it is a place where you can come just as you are. My prayer is that you will seek God's leading, and if the Lord is asking you to check us out, it will be my privilege and honor to welcome you here.
Rev. Christopher Codrington
Senior Pastor / Evangelism Leader
Associate Minister / Music Leader
Member Care Leader